
It's summer, again

So it's 2019 and another summer has started leaving me with much to do. I am expecting to write more this summer than I did last year, just because I am going to be able to access my account more frequently. Since I started my blog I have also started playing the piano, so I am going to change the theme of my blog a little bit, just to make it more broad. I am a total beginner when it comes to the piano, but I assume my readers can help me a little bit with some tips on practice. In my first post I mentioned that I was beginning all over again as a freshman, and now I have just finished my freshman year. It was a lot easier than anticipated. I can already tell that my sophomore year is going to be a lot harder, taking AP classes and all. I can only hope to do well in my classes and boost my GPA. I have a boatload of summer work to do and I am definitely not excited to do it. It's tough to do especially with my schedule. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in a couple days, th

It's been a while

Lol, It sure has been a while since I have been on here. I'm just not that interesting. I started school and it's alright. But, I am tired so goodnight....

Im irrelevant so it doesnt matter

Lol I have been gone for a while but it doesn't matter because im totally irrelevant. But anyways, been getting back in the swing of things and school is starting up next week, wish me luck. Any good songs for a Baritone Uke i should try?
06/07/18      Today I learned Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood on my Soprano. The Neighbourhood is one of my most favorite bands of ALL time. Honestly it was hard for me to do anymore research on other covers of the song because I just kept watching this video of Jesse Rutherford singing a mashup of Say My Name/Cry Me a River. Honestly you should watch it too, it is AMAZING!!    
06/04/18       Today I learned  Stay by Post Malone on my Baritone Ukulele and also learned a few more chords. I really enjoy using the baritone because it feels alot like a guitar.
06/03/18       Today I learned a new song on the Ukulele as well as practicing some new strumming patterns I made up. 


Hi! I am Carmen and I play the Ukulele. I decided to start a blog this summer to mainly keep me busy during any idle time I have. I have always wanted to start a blog so what better way to start one than to document my summer. I have just graduated 8th grade so I am preparing to be a freshman. I know most people do not see being a freshman as that big of a deal anymore but I do, and I am not ready to face the scrutiny that being ¨fresh meat¨ brings you. I am getting severely off track and should probably get back to my talk of Ukulele. So I play the Ukulele, like I said earlier. I own one Soprano Ukulele and one Baritone Ukulele. Lately, (like since Valentines day)with school and everything I have been playing my Ukulele as much as I have wanted. So hopefully starting this blog will help me get back on track with my Ukulele.