
Showing posts from May, 2019

It's summer, again

So it's 2019 and another summer has started leaving me with much to do. I am expecting to write more this summer than I did last year, just because I am going to be able to access my account more frequently. Since I started my blog I have also started playing the piano, so I am going to change the theme of my blog a little bit, just to make it more broad. I am a total beginner when it comes to the piano, but I assume my readers can help me a little bit with some tips on practice. In my first post I mentioned that I was beginning all over again as a freshman, and now I have just finished my freshman year. It was a lot easier than anticipated. I can already tell that my sophomore year is going to be a lot harder, taking AP classes and all. I can only hope to do well in my classes and boost my GPA. I have a boatload of summer work to do and I am definitely not excited to do it. It's tough to do especially with my schedule. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in a couple days, th